Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Here are our family pictures we got taken when Easton was 2 weeks old. I am just barely getting them on because life is CRAZY! Everyone has always told me that three kids is the hardest........that is an understatement! Three is insane!! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being a mom and feel so blessed, but I can't keep up with it all. I have always been able to keep up with the house and have it clean when Curt gets home everyday, but now, Curt comes home somedays to me still in my pajamas and the house a disaster! I had a few break-downs but decided I had to prioritize. At first I tried to do it all.......get up all night with a newborn, so while exhausted, get the kids breakfast, feed the baby, rock the baby to sleep, change the baby, change Crew (who refuses to potty train), help Hadley with his homework, bathe the kids, dress the kids, get Hadley off to school, clean the house, make lunch, do the dishes, do the laundry, fold the laundry, make dinner, sweep, dust, mop, spend quality time with each kid......................and be super happy and pleasant while doing it all. Didn't happen. So I decided, my kids are #1. I want them to remember a happy mom who had time to play and be with them, not a mom who was stressed out and cleaned all day. So for now, my house is messier, but I know this will pass, and my boys will grow, so I am going to enjoy my amazing little guys.


Brooke said...

So cute! We're having #3 in July and I"m terrified of what three will mean :) You do have the cutest boys though so if we end up with 3 boys, that will be alright although we've been told this may be a girl which would be awesome too (I'm pretty stoked it could be a girl :) Good Luck! I'm sure I'll be contacting you in July for a shoulder to lean on.

camandholls said...

Love the pictures! Your boys are so cute!

Unknown said...

Carlee, I can totally relate, but I think you are an awesome mom! Your boys are so lucky and I think you are handling everything fantastically! I hope when I have this next baby, I can seem so put together as you do. I love your cute family pictures. I especially love Crew. He always looks like he is having the best time!

Unknown said...

LOVE THEM~Every single one! You are an awesome mom! Thanks for the visit yesterday; I needed it! I will call you in the next day or two!

Juliana said...

Such cute, cute, cute boys! Ü Handsome!

Peterson Family said...

Wow, your pictures are so cute! Your boys are so handsome! And you look great especially since those pictures were taken only 2 weeks after you had baby Easton. And although I can't relate with you on having 3 children, I understand what you are talking about. You really are a wonderful mom. I need to take your advice.

lynsey said...

carlee, you are awesome! sometimes when i'm reading blogs i can get down thinking that everyone else is able to "do it all" and that for some reason i'm not. so i just really appreciate your honesty here and also your example of being able to tell us what you've figured out to make life better for you.

i was baby-sitting a 2 yr old for a few months while leah was about 4 months old and i was EXHAUSTED. i totally can relate to what you're talking about, even if i only had 3 for a temporary time.

i always have to realize that the older the baby gets, the easier LIFE gets.

you are beautiful and have a beautiful family!!

Stefanie Sayre said...

Carlee, you are such an amazing person and a mom. YOu are doing a great job. And you look fantastic. I get jealous each time I see you and you look so tiny already. I love your family pictures.

Peterson Family said...

We totally need to get together. Maybe if the weather ever warms up, we can get together at a park or someones backyard. I would love to see you. I used to see you at Broulim's every time I went but it's been a while. I haven't even seen that very cute baby of yours. All your boys are very handsome!

Amilyn said...

You have a beautiful family, and now you know why I am never seen!!! I am lost in that crazy world of 3 children too. What were we thinking? One day we will look back at this time and wish we could do it all over again... well maybe? Love ya and holler if you ever need anything.

Ben & Megan Talbot said...

You guys have an adorable family!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your pictures are so cute! Your boys are so handsome! And you look great especially since those pictures were taken only 2 weeks after you had baby Easton.Great article. I read this article properly. This is one of the best posts. Thanks sharing this article
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